
          This project in a little demo of employee form validation build using AngularJS. It features two way binding of an entire table row (ng-repeat), ng-form, min/max character validation, and ng-show to display and hide various HTML tags. The purpose of this form is that the data entered would be potentially stored in database. User would then edit, add, remove data to and from the database. This projects also features encryption using SJCL (Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library).

The code for this project, both HTML and Angular JavaScript can be found here (JSFiddle).

Employee Form

NameEmailEmpl IdPassword
{{employee.name}}Max length 15 characters.Min length 3 characters.
{{employee.email}}Max length 30 characters.
{{employee.employeeId}}Max length 15 characters.Min length 3 characters.
{{employee.password}}Max length 15 characters.Min length 5 characters.