Android Projects
  QMaze   This application is a game maze which finds a shortest path between start point and end point by avoiding obstacle squares. The start and end point in the maze are placed by the user by simply touching one of the squares. User can reset start and end location of square points. After setting start and end square points, user can then place obstacles - red squares. The purpose of this maze is to reach the end point by avoiding all red square obstacles. In case the dead end is reached, the best traced path so far gets backtracked until another path is found, or no path exists.   All the buttons in this app are created dynamically. That is, no xml code is present in the layout content xml files for any of the buttons at compile time. This project features a seaparte Thread with Runnable which uses Handler to update main UI thread, so that our UI thread is not overloaded. Because of this and the onSavedInstance state method, this app also supports screen orientation with no content beeing lost.
  Midterm Appication   This application is an mobile quiz application intended for students to complete using theirs mobile Android devices, and then submit the answers in electronic email format. Students can browse the entire question set, select an answers, and go back to reselect answers if need arises. Student can also go back to any previous question and choose another answer. When last question is reached, student must press a submit button, at which point student must enter their name and student number and submit test results using theirs email.   This application features Android XMLPullParser that parses and XML file which is stored in application res/raw folder.   This application uses the onSavedInstance state method in order to supports screen orientation without loosing any dynamic content.
  Mobile Online ShoppingDeveloped an android mobile application for consumer goods purchasing. Project consists of two parts. First part is developing a web based application for administrative users. Second part is an Android application intended for android mobile device users. Users can view, select and purchase consumer products using theirs mobile device. Network communication between android users and server is done remotely using HTTP GET and POST requests.
   Software used: Android Studio, Eclipse(Maven project), RESTful services (Jersey), MySQL database, Hibernate